UEFA EURO 2024 Office Pool Spreadsheets
We Global Football is back with our EURO 2024 Office Pool! The previous versions for EURO and the World Cup were a huge success. As always, it is available for download as Excel Spreadsheets.
The spreadsheet is available here <—- DOWNLOAD HERE
The goal is simple: Predict the outcome of the tournament. Predict the order of finish in the Group Stage and Knockout Stage. Based on your custom scoring settings, you will get a different amount of points for each correct pick. Most points wins!
Here’s how it works:
We tried to make these spreadsheets as easy to follow as possible. But if you do run into issues, feel free to contact us here: weglobalfootball@gmail.com, on Twitter, or leave a comment below. Of course, as always, all of our macros are very safe to use. You can add up to 2,000 entrants. If you need more, just let us know… and invite us to join your pool!
There are two files included in the zip file. One is called “EURO2024Picks”. The other is “EURO2024Master”.
For pool managers, distribute the ‘Picks’ file to participants. Participants will fill out the file, click finalize, and return their finalized file to you. An error will pop up if the picks are not complete. There’s nothing worse than running a pool and trying to figure out the blanks!
When clicking finalize, a new file will be created in the same folder location where the ‘Picks’ file is saved for each user. It will be named ‘EURO2024.xlsx’. That is the finalized file to be used and sent to the pool manager. Pool Managers, copy or move the tab with the participants’ picks into the Master file. The tab can be placed anywhere in the Master file.
Once you have entrants in the master file, click ‘Create Standings’ to generate custom standings based on your points system and participants.

You have the ability to enter a custom scoring system, as well as an option for the knockout stage: Credit picks only in exact location, or credit picks in any location. For example, assume you pick Germany to top their group and reach the quarterfinals. If Germany finishes 2nd in their group, and then advances to the quarterfinals, you can choose to award points for Germany advancing (any location), or not award points, because it is not the exact spot in the bracket (exact location).
As the tournament unfolds, enter the results of the tournament into the ‘EURO 2024’ tab of the Master file. All standings will calculate automatically. That’s all you need to do!
Again, here is a link to download the EURO 2024 Office Pool: DOWNLOAD HERE. This can also be picked up on our Downloads page at the top.
If you run into any issues with the files, please contact us! Also, if you enjoy the EURO 2024 Office Pool, be sure to follow us on Twitter @We_Global. Thanks for the support!